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Clan owned by The Reborn

created 1658846473516

Welcome to the [BEY]! We are a respectable clan. We play for top position always.🔥🔥🔥🎉 Official memer of the Sphere alliance since 25/11/2023!!!🎉🔥🔥🔥 Our ranks: [FL]Foreign Leader- Dark Dragon [CGB]Chief General Bey- WelshLegend, mehsan [RGB]Royal Guard Bey- Necoluga, MeMac, kjh, Requiem2, why br, Serverman [GB]General Bey- lvls 47-49 [PB]Private Bey- lvls 45-46 [SB]Soldier Bey- lvls 40-44 I am of course the leader, the Chief Bey[CB]. [LB]s and [GB]s have great authority, so they can report one of you lower ranks to me, and I will kick you out depending on their reasons. They are to be known in game as GB, if you do not call them this then they can tell me, and I will kick you. They can also give me good ideas to help our clan grow. Also bey means leader of a large tribe. New clan rules: Must be lvl 41+ or have a high kdr No swearing or I'll kick you out. Try to be active, at least play once a month, otherwise, likewise, I will kick you out. Have fun :)

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Clan Stats

8,818,143 XP Earned

243,720 Kills

108,708 Deaths

34,014 Games Played

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Clan Members (5 Players)

Name XP Kills Deaths KDR
SRH-Shadow 903320 14832 6760 2.194
The Reborn 922341 22003 7775 2.83
-AcridRF- 259606 5608 4367 1.284
mantis66 522011 12567 5195 2.419
Killer333 248203 4799 4230 1.135

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