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Clan owned by Me Da Source

created 1609574897733

The ELEVATE clan is a network of skilled players that play for whatever purpose they see fit -- whether it's separate or together, frequently or on occasion, passively or brazenly. Divided we stand, but united we stand taller. If you see us, be sure to run. REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN (As of April 24, 2024): • Ruby rank: Lvl 46+ • Average KDR of at least 1.8 • No Alt accounts are allowed • Play BlockTanks at least once a month • Have a bot kill percentage lower than 60% • Leaving the clan more than twice without a valid reason decreases chance of rejoining • No spreading of genuine hate or toxicity towards other clans. Similarly, if you have some beef with E8 in the past or present, the chance of acceptance is low All requirements are negligible if you are proven to be truly skilled. This clan is owned by multiple Leaders, these include -Pumpkin- Juwu Rhykon JaSn Me Da Source For any questions, join our Discord Server and/or contact me on Discord (my tag is mohamad_mai)

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Clan Stats

51,535,960 XP Earned

1,341,544 Kills

411,553 Deaths

192,661 Games Played

Recent Activity

Clan Members (17 Players)

Name XP Kills Deaths KDR
JaSn 5498075 159123 73347 2.169
Khang026090 443794 23282 8664 2.687
IHasZero 1181806 37200 19201 1.937
Azarzar144 1353566 28869 15526 1.859
THE DARK TANK 1751890 69393 39571 1.754
Astro Man 1539710 37142 18078 2.055
GoodBoi 3763356 78412 26302 2.981
A shadow 541733 11519 4369 2.637
Raccon- 9882723 174885 48915 3.575
Me Da Source 6553478 130682 49822 2.623
oh my lol-DIE 1047602 26598 9452 2.814
_E8_NHAT TUAN_ 1147587 32278 16617 1.942
brittney_ramakk 350204 7623 4287 1.778
TOMICA 666 2443302 62563 10638 5.881
just to board 752855 15013 8152 1.842
Tirate 2 723927 14659 4668 3.14
Lover- 319076 5287 2076 2.547

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