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Clan owned by Bilbo Baggins

created 1697457496178

-We are the Hobbits- ---------------------------------- -Requirements- -Can be any level- Kdr 1+ (some exceptions) -Ranks- -Dragon- (Amethyst) -Elves- (Ruby-Emerald) -Hobbits- (Diamond) -Humans- (Gold) -Dwarves-(Stone, Bronze, Silver) ---------------------------------- Free XP-- blocktanks.net/christmas ---------------------------------- -Allies- [MTS] ---------------------------------- If you are still on the clan for 2 years or other reason you can have shop item( you don't have to stay that long) Co-Leader Destroyer7

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Clan Stats

206,825 XP Earned

7,608 Kills

5,716 Deaths

1,847 Games Played

Recent Activity

Clan Members (5 Players)

Name XP Kills Deaths KDR
Hermione 203783 2580 4079 0.633
Rehan 128781 3388 4648 0.729
mrheavan 8360 177 210 0.843
Hello1234567 99650 1406 1239 1.135
Bilbo Baggins 52602 699 330 2.118

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