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Clan owned by Yt Yolo Animate

created 1612126361953

◈ Welcome to the RIOT family of clans. ◈ ◈ RIOT plays for fun.◈ ◈ Clan tag must be worn ALWAYS. ◈ ◈ We play other games on the side as well.◈ ◈ We do voice chats regularly, and the discord server is always active so you can always find someone to play with. ◈ ◈ You need to be ACTIVE to join, (no stats requirement,) ◈ ◈ YOUR STATS MUST BE SHOWN AND ALWAYS SHOWN, we will not be accepting any requests of hidden player stats ◈ ◈ Everyone is welcome to hangout on our Discord server, even if you are not part of RIOT. ◈ ◈ We always are up for a clan-war, so if you think you can beat us, come find us on Discord. ◈ ◈ You will be kicked for inactivity. ◈ ◈ If RIOT is full join RIOT2, or RIOT3, its daughter clans. They have no requirements and are just about having fun and getting better so u can join RIOT. ◈ ◈ IN THIS CLAN WE DON’T EAT ROCKS ◈

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Clan Stats

85,339,873 XP Earned

1,983,854 Kills

635,385 Deaths

235,806 Games Played

Recent Activity

Clan Members (15 Players)

Name XP Kills Deaths KDR
Yt Yolo Animate 5755477 125860 22531 5.586
Zeeto 433805 18891 13376 1.412
Poc assasin 2 473291 16958 12972 1.307
JustInfinite 618575 23672 13576 1.744
JCREX 318864 10512 7334 1.433
albowiem 611085 14894 6077 2.451
ilyaru 1899317 33393 12958 2.577
leto 5131910 85190 33337 2.555
trentlad 988838 15937 8329 1.913
Pro_Riot KDR 1171534 32094 24605 1.304
Shivam 238802 5648 4694 1.203
deku_3903 116548 3626 2934 1.236
Am a meme 153369 2692 3188 0.844
AIM TO ME 475723 12428 5743 2.164
smiger 128325 2683 2667 1.006

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